XOOPS China ports Flyspray (bug tracking system) to XOOPS

Date 2010/11/16 11:20:00 | Topic: Modules

Our friends at XOOPS China just ported Flyspray, a web-based bug tracking system, to XOOPS

Features include:
- Web-based, platform-independent
- Multiple database support, currently MySQL and PGSQL
- Easy installation
- Easy to use
- Multiple projects
- 'Watching' tasks, with notification of changes (email or Jabber)
- Comprehensive task history
- File attachments
- CSS themes
- Advanced search features (though easy to use)
- Atom/RSS feeds
- Two syntax options for task descriptions and more (Dokuwiki / plain text)
- Voting for tasks
- Dependency graphs

Download: here

Demo: http://www.linux-ren.org/modules/flyspray/

Original info: here

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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