Wind of Change : new website running on XOOPS

Date 2010/9/26 15:20:00 | Topic: YAXS

the "Wind of Change" music band, is pleased to announce you their new website running on XOOPS 2.4.5
Original Image

Modules used to build this website :

-- Publisher (to broadcast the band news)

-- Contact 1.07

-- Extgallery to show band's picutres

-- Mytube to show videos

-- Sitemap

-- Mymenus

-- Protector

with 3 new modules tailored expressly for this website :

-- Concert : to show date, time and local for upcoming concerts

-- Biography : to write the biography of the band and musicians

-- Discography : to show all cd's releases , tracks...etc

The modules have been created by Mage , design and development by Mariane

Wind of change:
Brace yourself ... A wind of change blowing through the Swiss rock scene ... Reserved for those who seek to vibrate to the sound of rock power, those who want to be touched to the heart through intense ballads, to those who want to feel the thrill of music that makes sense. Join the era of Wind of Change

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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