Inspire 8 Premium Available Now

Date 2010/7/27 18:00:00 | Topic: Themes

Features (Compared with Inspire 8 Lite)

1. Superfish menu included
2. Search box, login box and user menu included in the navbar
3. Lazy load plugin is included. Images will only be loaded when users scroll to them
4. Site menu integrated with XOOPS system Main Menu (Submenu as dropdowns)
5. Some CSS3 properties are added
6. Avoid repeat loading of JQuery (trabis)
7. Fully Compatible with XOOPS 2.4.5 (stylesheet fix)
8. Fix clashes with XOOPS editors
9. Slideshow integrated with XOOPS module system

For detailed information, please see the introduction slideshow (Highly recommended!):

The Unbelievable Price

The price is only USD 5. Here is what you can get:

1. Inspire 8 Premium
2. Inspire 7 Premium (before Aug. 7)
3. 20% off option of purchasing Inspire 9 Premium
4. Active customer support
5. Later Inspire 8 Premium updates

If you buy Inspire 8 Premium before Aug. 7, you can get a copy of Inspire 7 Premium For free.

Reward for Inspire 7 Premium buyers

All Inspire 7 Premium buyers will get Inspire 8 Premium for free! If you are an Inspire 7 Premium buyer, an email should have been sent to your email box. If you haven’t received the email, please contact me. However, “Active customer support” is available to Inspire 8 buyers only.

HINT: You can donate to XOOPS in this month, then you can get Inspire 7 Premium for free. As an Inspire 7 Premium buyer, you can enjoy the reward and acquire Inspire 8 Premium for free!

Know More And Buy It!

For more information, please visit here:
You can also buy the theme in the same page!

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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