Introducing 960 Grid System for XOOPS

Date 2010/7/26 4:50:00 | Topic: Themes

This is a theme framework for XOOPS that based on the popular 960 Grid System


1. Based on 960 Grid System
2. XOOPS system module style sheets included
3. UnitPNG fix included
4. JQuery and JQuery Tools included.
5. IE8.js included.


This is a theme framework designed for XOOPS designers from beginners to experts. In essence, it is a blank XOOPS theme. Although it is not as well organized and documented as Blanktheme. It preserves a simple file structure and intuitive code style. If you are a beginner, you can learn the basic structure of XOOPS theme from it. If you are an expert looking to quickly start your project, it is also a good choice. Blanktheme framework has more functions included, therefore has a more complex file structure. 960 comparatively has less functions and a simpler structure. The focus is the design itself.

Document Page:

Download Page:

P.S. A sneak peek of Inspire 9 draft:
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This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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