XOOPS Resource Book

Date 2010/7/17 12:50:00 | Topic: XOOPS

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We are pleased to release our first XOOPS Resource Book.

This book is a document to facilitate the exchange of information about XOOPS resources, particularly modules. It is not an offline repository (there is no module description), just a step to build it with your help.


You need a pdf reader (Adobe acrobat reader 7 at least). You can easily navigate through the book by using bookmarks or search function.

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Click on Bookmarks icon to display the summary

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Enter your keyword and navigate thru results


Our aim is to propose an updated modules repository on http://www.xoops.org. The Module Team needs your help to :

find new modules, plugins, hacks, translations
We currently have listed more than 850 resources, found on various websites in various countries. Without you telling us about the download links for each resource, they would not be present in this book.

find latest versions
We would like to propose - whenever possible - the latest version of each modules and the current “release”. If you find a more recent version of a module or if you have improved a module, please send us the download link.

correct errors found in Xoops Resource Book
Some information listed below may be wrong: credits, version, release date, download link broken... If you detect an error, please add a sticky note and send us your correction(s)

test modules
For each module, we will have to provide a complete description. If you have any useful information, do not hesitate to send your description(s).

improve ww.xoops.org module repository organization
Any idea about categories? Please help us to make the repository more easy to use and to update: describe categories, add tags, provide free icons, etc.

To help, you can use Xoops.org forums or correct this book by yourself (Acrobat reader 7.0 min.).

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1. Click on Review and Comment and on Add Sticky Note

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2. Place your sticky note where you want and fill it

3. Save the pdf and send it to babylonbyxoops [AT] gmail [DOT] com


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• Local support site

All resources are available for local support site (more details page 153)


• 5 Mo, pdf format: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xoops/files/XOOPS%20Module%20Repository/XOOPS%20Resource%20Book/Xoops-Resource-Book_0-1_20100717.pdf/download
• 3,5 Mo, zip format: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xoops/files/XOOPS%20Module%20Repository/XOOPS%20Resource%20Book/Xoops-Resource-Book_0-1_20100717.zip/download

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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