WF-Channel 2.06 Beta Released

Date 2010/5/13 15:50:00 | Topic: Modules

We are pleased to announce the released of WF-Channel v2.05 beta to the Xoops Public.

Here is the release notes

WF-Channel 2.06 Beta

WF-Channel is a solid reliable Xoops module for adding articles to your Xoops website. While its WF-Channel main aim is to be as simple, reliable and secure as possible, it also offers a wide array of powerful tools and options to help you in the process of creating your pages.

WF-Channel is easily installed (WF-Channel requires the latest version of WF-Resources) and to update. Updating only requires a click of the button and nothing more.

WF-Channel Features

Much of WF-Channel power lies within the administrator area. Easy to use Navigation and helpful tips to help you understand the main features within the module administration. Get the latest information regarding the module and helpful links to the forums, bug trackers and feature request area of the WF-Channel Website.

WF-Channel uses many of the native Xoops classes and functions, while still using many of its own libraries and still remaining compatible with Xoops in the future.
Creating Articles

Creating articles should be a simple and a straight forward task. To help in this process, we have broken down the article creation into different areas and focussed each area into their own tabs within the Article creation form. This allows you the user to work to concentrate on the area of your article without being cluttered by the whole article form. Don’t worry; the changes you make will be kept while switching from tab to tab within the form.

WF-Channel uses the built in Xoops Editors to ensure maximum compatibility and greater ease of use and availability to newer editors in the future.

Other feature of WF-Channel is to use upload, convert and clean static html files, even html files created by Word. You can choose whether to link or the ability to import the html data to database, for easier editing afterwards.

Other Features with WF-Channel:
1. Mass, updating, deleting, duplication of articles. Quick entry editing features allows you to edit certain features of your documents quick and easily. (We plan on updating this further with JQuery in the future).
2. The ability to search articles by date, keywords (searching, title body etc) and publish stated.
3. The ability to add author, author alias of an article, set publish and expire date and also add a main article image with its own caption.
4. To help with SEO, WF-Channel allows you to add your own Meta tags and keywords. You can also add keywords to help group different articles and add related articles pages quickly and easily to an article.

Mass Html Uploading

To help in the ease of creating articles, WF-Channel has the ability to mass upload many html pages at the same time. You can apply different settings, such as permissions, cleaning options and publish/expire dates.

Single File Uploading

WF-Channel also allows the ability to upload images and web documents from the backend. While we acknowledge this feature is pretty limited, we are sure you might find it of some use. In future version of this module, this feature will receive a massive overhaul.

Refer and Referrers

WF-Channel has the ability to send refer emails via the server and track when they were sent and by whom. This gives the administrator more information they can use in by best serving their users in future.
Most of the features can be changed within the administrator area and in pretty much the same way that articles are created. The referrer page also can be limited to certain users via group permissions.

Link Management

Want to let your users have access to your banners and logos? Well you can with WF-Channel Link management. Upload your banners and logos and select which ones you want to make available to your users. Let us know is you think this is worth keeping in future additions to WF-Channel.

Many Other Features Available

Many of WF-Channels features may not be apparent at first, so we strongly suggest that you make yourself familiar with each part of the administrator areas available, including the modules preferences.

From there you can take more control of WF-Channel and make available to your users.

Many other features of WF-Channel you can make available to your users are:
1. Social Networking. You can add social networking to each article. This allows your users to interact with each other and hopefully increases your hits. Social networking tags can be placed into your articles either via the inbuilt method or you can add code from AddThis ( easily via the module preferences.
2. Menus: WF-Channel has various ways to show menus, one within the article or via the Xoops menus system.
3. Comments: WF-Channel uses the Xoops comment system to add comments to each article and can be turned on or off via the modules preferences.
4. System Wide Notifications: WF-Channel uses the Xoops notification system.
5. Back and Next Links: You can display Next and back links to each article, this makes it easier for your users to navigate between all you articles.
6. Xoops Tags: WF-Channel can interact with the Xoops Tags modules to add a tag system. Please download and read the Xoops tags modules for usage.
7. Plug-ins: WF-Channel can interact with other modules via its own plug-in system. If you are a module developer, please see the example within the plug-in folder for usage.
8. Caching: WF-Channel uses Xoops caching to speed up certain aspects of web browsing.
9. Templates: While I acknowledge that the templates within WF-Channel are not perfect ( I’m a web developer not a designer) I hope that these offer an acceptable starting point to real web designers for creating some nice themes for WF-Channel.

WF-Channel also offers RSS feeds, creating PDF documents of articles (These are cached to speed up performance), printing, emailing and Browser booking in most browsers.

What WF-Channel is NOT!

While this module does pack a lot of punch, it does have its limitations. WF-Channel is not a full blown article management system, like the News, Publisher or Smart Section modules, and if you download it with the expectations of doing so, you will be rather disappointed.

But, if you plan on having loads of static articles on your website, then this module is definitely for you and we are confident it won’t let you down and even if you have a problem, drop by our forum and let us know how we can help you.

Download From:

Note: WF-Channel Requires WF-Resource v1.05 to function correctly:

To discuss general issues with WF-Channel:

To submit bugs please use the following like:

To discuss this beta development:

To discuss future features:

List of Changes for 2.06:
->fixed naming convention on the FCKeditor. Should now work on all systems.
->fixed naming convention on file sanitize_textbox.php in the filters and put in force an error check to prevent errors and return default.
->fixed naming convention on file sanitize_textbox.php in the filters.
->Fixed: New Menu block was using the wrong 'string' for permissions. This block used work as expected now.
->Removed: Removed code for older editors.
->Removed: Removed code now considered depreciated from Xoops 2.3.
->Changed: Removed Xoops Captcha and repalaced it with the old WF-Channel version. This was due to a number of issues with the Xoops Version.
->Changed: Used many of the new XoopsForms and elements that were added in Xoops 2.3.
->Changed: Updated to work on PHP 2.3. The creation of Articles and such should now be possible.
->Changed: Changed Captcha to now use Xoops Captcha.
->Changed: Updated some language defines and corrected spelling errors.
->Changed: WF-Channel should work with XoopsEditors now.
->Fixed Many other issues, bugs and features that now lost to me while updaing this module.
->Fixed: RSS Channels should be working now. If not.... bite me!

Xoosla Module Development

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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