Demo site for XOOPS Themes goes LIVE

Date 2010/5/12 22:30:00 | Topic: Themes

We are very pleased to announce that thanks to a tremendous effort by Burning, we have now a XOOPS Themes demo site:

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There are currently 1,945 themes there, but we're sure that very soon there will be over 2,000 of them for your review and testing

Burning also linked all the themes there to our Theme Gallery, i.e. if your are in the Theme Gallery and want to see how the particular theme looks like in a real Web environment, you just need to click on the "preview icon":

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and a new window/tab will open showing you the XOOPS Themes Demo site with your selected theme.

Burning is one of our most dedicated XOOPS supporters. Already twice "XOOPSer of the Month", he continues to provide a tremendous support for this community and we truly appreciate his help, support, and dedication!!!

Thank you, Burning!!!!

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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