Ekskurzije i putovanja

Date 2010/2/12 18:00:00 | Topic: YAXS

Ekskurzije i putovanja is site about traveling for younger people from Serbia, mostly students. Via our page people can reserve excursion, summer vacation or see some travel tips.

The list of excursions are in section called putovanja. It's planned more to be added for summer and winter travel when season come.

The site is still in beta stage but it's fully functional.

Some destinations included are Barcelona, Rome, Venice, Nica, Cannes, Monte Carlo, Lisabon, Amsterdam, Paris, Vienna, Prague etc.

The site is running on Xoops 2.4.4 @ PHP 5.2.12

Some of the modules used:
SmartSection (till Publisher arrive) with SEO/SEF URL's
CBB 3 (soon)
Content 1.3 from MusS
Defacer etc...

The url is: http://www.ekskurzije.net (no screenshot*, just click it :) )

* - Redesign is planned in few months, so stay tuned :)

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