indexscan 2.02 released

Date 2010/1/4 10:50:00 | Topic: Modules

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Another version is released as version 2.02. This version takes care of situations where users have xoops_data and xoops_lib outside xoops root.

The start point of the scan (root) is now defined in module config, default being installation root.

changes in 2.02 are

- Added the option in config to change the base of the starting point for the scans. To avoid users - having xoops_data, xoops_lib outside of the root, not having all folders scanned.
- Added a function to get the $xoopsModuleConfig (root) where global $xoopsModuleConfig not working in admin.
- New language defines are.:
define("_MI_INDEXSCAN_ROOTORSUB","Root or sub folder installation");
define("_MI_INDEXSCAN_ROOTORSUB_DESC","Write here from where you want to start scanning
'../../../' if your web is like 'mysite/mainfile,php';
'../../../../' if it is like mysite/htdocs/";);

Read more about what this module does and download in repository

or download from sourceforge or

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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