VidShop 1.60

Date 2009/12/9 4:53:26 | Topic: Modules

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VidShop 1.60

VidShop is a video or binary shop that allow embedded video from external sources like youtube to be associated with binary downloads. The download are normally store in another directory of the .htaccess protected space known as the XOOPS_VAR_PATH.

You will have to create a directory for your binaries off 'xoops_data' as for example /home/ursite/xoops_data/downloads of course you can set this location as you please. The download section is a controlled section that allows for total count and day limited cleaning, that is removal of the purchase items if the download counter is maximized from clickiness.

If you would like to download VidShop please do so from:


This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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