Geo.NET - 2 years using Xoops!

Date 2009/11/2 18:30:00 | Topic: YAXS

Hello folks!

Last november first Geo.NET completed 2 years!

Geo.NET - is an website wich gives support for native portuguese speakers users in geoprocessing, remote sensing, satellite images and GIS softwares for environmental and land management applications.

We've around 6,5k registered users, 30k visits/month and access from Brazil, Portugal, U.S., Mozambique and Angola.

Original Image

We are using:

- Xoops 2.3.3
- Contact
- Mydownloads
- Weblinks
- News
- xm-memberstats
- Polls
- Xoop Stats
- Extcal
- Sitemap
- Newbb
- Mediawiki
- Smartsection
- Xoops Care
- Protector
- xDirectory
- Jobs
- iSearch
- WHbrasil theme with some changes

and a lot of hacks.

Thanks for all support!

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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