X-Torrent 3.40

Date 2009/9/19 2:40:00 | Topic: Modules

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X-Torrent 3.40

Well this the last release of the legacy version of x-torrent there has been the 4 series in the pipe line for sometime notability there has been some minor improvements to the announce and a scrape has also been included.

You will note there is considerable changes being made from the legacy version of X-Torrent to a full blown class driven version rather than a SQL Injectable version inheritable from the program it was built from which was WF-Downloads. The new version has been sitting onhold for awhile.

Notabily some website I have noticed have migrated from there old systems over to a xoops driven system based in there own versions of x-torrent this included http://www.extratorrent.com as well as http://www.seedpeer.com these appear to be a form of xoops running a system built from X-Torrent.

Lets have a look at some of the changes:

This is the original announce distributed with X-Torrent 1 - 3 :: http://xoops.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xoops/XoopsModules/xtorrent/releases/3.39/modules/xtorrent/announce.php?view=markup - This is without the scrape and system reliant on P2P communication.

This is the new equivalent refactorised module using the control class library, I have not used at this stage the new model in xoops so it is backward compatible with much older versions of xoops but here it is :: http://x-torrent.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/x-torrent/announce.php?view=markup

As you can see the code is much neater and no longer part of WF Downloads systems. You will find this through-out the class and code library. At this stage I just have to find some time to write the latest version of the admin panel and control systems in the administration with a few minor tweeks. If you would like the final legacy version you can download it from here

* http://cid-6580d2a11c091017.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/XOOPS%20Modules/X-Torrent/Source%20Code/xoops2%5E_xtorrent%5E_3.40.zip
* http://bin.chronolabs.org.au/xoops2_xtorrent_3.40.zip

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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