Xurl - new XOOPS module

Date 2009/8/28 5:40:00 | Topic: Modules

hhttp://designburo.nl is proud to announce a new XOOPS module called Xurl.

It is filed as a product of the EasyTCPtransfer category, since it fits the main goal of the EasyTCPtransfer principle.
The Xurl module for XOOPS is a module allowing your visitors to create short urls from long urls for use in e.g. Twitter. It can even sanitize complete texts with urls.
But that is not all..

Also, for module developers, it can be used as a function to sanitize complete e.g. Forumposts or blogposts before submitting it into the database.

Xurl will only allow registered user of your website to create shorten urls, but the shorten urls can be accessed by anyone.

It can also be called from other websites, but only with a registered username and password from your own website. This can be usefull if you have visitors that want to be able to shorten urls automatically from their own website, but they need to be registered with you. You control their access and the usage.

Besides the fact that it shortens the url, it also makes the url unreadable for users that have bad intentions.

The module can be adapted to use other shorten url links then the default 2lk.nl

Registered users can acces the module right here on the website. Just register (for free) and from the menu choose Xurl.

Many more options are available for this module and it will soon be released for the XOOPS community.


This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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