Hack "splash screen"

Date 2009/2/23 20:20:00 | Topic: Hacks

Hello everybody,

This is a hack to display a splash home page "html". It is displayed one time by session or parametrable a during time.

With this page your site is preloaded in backgroung, and it's Quickly display, and keep the initial destination.

The installation is very simple:

1)copy the folder "splash" to your site root.

2)paste this code just before the head balise in your theme.html

3)go to your website, the splash page is ok.

all parameters is on /splash/splashpage.js.

DEMO : http://www.edrfco.fr/modules/extgallery/

DOWNLOAD : http://www.marcetmaud.fr/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=2

This script is tested and compatible with ie7 & firefox


Ps : excuse me but my english is very bad.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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