Latest News Block Module 0.72

Date 2008/11/21 13:30:00 | Topic: Modules is happy to announce the release of Latest News block module ( version 0.72 ).

This module displays the latest news from the news module (1.62) in a block.

1. Can set the number of articles to display, using one or more columns.
2. Can choose to display the title, author, date, comments link, and other display settings.
3. Can customize image properties in all articles (i.e. width, height, position, borders).
4. Can customize the number of letters to truncate each news item, without cutting off any words midway.
5. Adding link and description to each image automatically for SEO.
6. Can limit by topic.
7. Can display featured news only.
8. Can clone unlimited blocks.
9. Can scrolling the articles.

There are many new additions and fixes, you can find it in doc/changelog.txt file.


Downloads: click here

Thanks To:
Onaser, Hani salam, SaudiGear, Bandit-x, Trabis, Hervé, Taimor.aziz, Veaglarwen, Mariane Antoun.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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