CVD Announces ShoutBox v4.03 Release

Date 2008/11/15 20:30:00 | Topic: Modules

ShoutBox is an XOOPS module that provides an interactive block and pop-up window for visitors to post and view messages. In this release we redesigned the captcha feature so we are no longer employing a local copy of the captcha class. For captcha to function properly on sites with older versions of XOOPS such as, Frameworks 1.35 must also be installed. If you are running XOOPS 2.3.x and you have Frameworks 1.35 installed then you have the option of using Frameworks captcha OR core captcha selectable through module Preferences. Frameworks 1.35 download is available at

Other features in this release are the addition of wordwrap setting and enable/disable display of avatars in the ShoutBox block. These options are specifically targeted for those who are displaying the ShoutBox in a very narrow column. By adjusting the wordwrap setting you can eliminate the appearance of the horizontal scrollbar and by disabling the display of avatars you have more room for text to be displayed.

This release has been tested on XOOPS and XOOPS 2.3.0

The download of this release is now available at Custom Virtual Designs downloads

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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