Orange Xoops

Date 2008/9/19 2:24:21 | Topic: Themes

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Orange Xoops is based on Morphogenesis 2.10 template.

Specifications :
• 3 columns
• full screen
• Xoops 2.0.18.x

Contents :
• files required to make it works with Xoops 2.0.18.x (means : 2.0.18 / / These files modify Xoops Core but are required with morphogenesis themes :
- /include/common.php
- /language/french/theme.php (some DEFINE have been added especially for Orange Xoops theme)
• /jseffects folder (to place at the root site, contains to handle .png transparency)
• original template Orange2 by
• system templates overrided (/themes/orange_xoops/modules/system)
- system_redirect.html
- system_siteclosed.html
- system_userform.html
- blocks/system_block_login.html
- blocks/system_block_mainmenu.html
- blocks/system_block_search.html

Scripts (/js folder) :
• rel.js (we can replace rel="nofollow" by rel="external")
• FX.Slide (mootools.js + FXslide.js) by : sliding zone wich contains bottom blocks (center column)

Warnings about the sliding

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Bottom blocks are locked in the sliding zone. This one is :
- closed by default (to learn more about this parameter, readme.txt in /js folder)
- not displayed if none bottom blocks exists
- only displayed to members (this condition can be changed / erased by editing theme.html (lines 87 to 118)

Credits for the Original template
Kris for Morphogenesis 2.10 template
Bleekk for these cool code (blocks edition directly from Front side)
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Happy Xoops !

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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