Release Video Tube 1.7 RC1 Now Available

Date 2008/9/14 21:10:00 | Topic: Modules

CVD announces the release of Video Tube v1.7 RC1 Release Candidate. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that field tested our beta releases. Your feedback has helped Video Tube become what it is today.

Video Tube is an XOOPS module providing the ability to search, embed and manage videos on your site. Search, preview and auto-fill submission offered for YouTube, DailyMotion, MetaCafe and plus a manual submission form for all other video services that offer video embedding. The main video display screen offers 5 different layouts to select from. 15 display blocks are available including Most Viewed, Latest, Random and Featured (featured blocks allow you to define the specific videos to be displayed). Administration is made easy with features such as user defined Categories, an Approval All option for submissions and an option for allowing registered users to edit their own submissions. Video Tube supports XOOPS site search and comments are provided for each video. To promote visitor interaction a View By User display is provided that lists submissions and view statistics. Links on the View By User page take visitors to submitter's personal area of Video Tube. A Video Help page is available that walks visitors through each step of the video submission process along with screen shots. NOTE: Certain features require PHP5. If your site still uses PHP4 then these features will automatically be disabled.

You can download this release through the Module Repository or go to

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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