Theme for personal and small businness sites

Date 2008/7/22 15:20:00 | Topic: Themes

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If you want to have a site with user registration, comments, forums, guestbook ect. but not seems like a portal, you can try this theme. It’s just like a html+flash site with a clean design. But as you see it includes all the advantages of a php portal site. This theme is created for a rock band web site. You can see it live at

You can find the tutorial for usage at Xoops category.

The turkish version of this tutorial can be found at Xoops category.

Sometimes php portals are not suitable for personal web pages, small bussines pages, music band pages. So we created this theme for a rock band from Turkey. It’s just like a html site but using the advantages of php for user registration, news, downloads and guestbook sections. The band can send email messages to the registred band and the fans can be notified automaticaly about new concerts, new albums or new downloads added to the site.

Here is the download page for this theme

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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