is open for developers

Date 2008/4/27 12:00:00 | Topic: Developer News

We are pleased to announce that our development site, is open for business.

As most of you know, it was damaged by malicious hackers last year, and it took us some time to repair it. We believe, it's now working, but if you find any problems, please let us know.

We would like to thank all the people who supported us in the transition, installation, and testing of the site.

And to all of XOOPS users and supporters - we very much appreciate your patience, while we were working on that.

We are working hard on getting XOOPS where it should be, and going live with is only one of many things that we are working on. Let's just review some of the recent activities:

- several updates to Core
- XOOPS 2.3 Alpha 3 will be released VERY SOON
- WOX (World of XOOPS) newsletter reactivated
- XOOPSer of the Month Award reactivated
- International Support Team has been formed
- there are a lot of activities there, with several new Support Sites being formed and active
- we have new promotional items, incl. wallpapapers, flash banners, and screensavers
- module repository is being refreshed and will contain all available modules for XOOPS 2. Going live very soon.
- Modules Team coming soon
- we are focusing on spreading "good news" about XOOPS, about Awards and recognitions

There will be more good news coming soon, and we hope that together we'll look for ways what we all as a community and each and every one of us individually can contribute to XOOPS to make it the best CMS it can be.

Once again, your patience, your support, and your positive contributions, are very much appreciated!

The XOOPS Team

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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