Date 2008/4/14 21:20:00 | Topic: Modules

Module XPETITIONS developed by INFORMATUX is in final version 0.18. The test phases are finished and no more error have been reported by the users.

New version 0.20 is in progress with a planned development towards Beta and RC in version 0.19.

The new functionalities will be soon available and could be tested next week (week 17-2008).

At the program:
- Choice of the signatures validation by email or double click (admin - customer)
- Choice of the editor for the petition seizure (xoopseditor, koivi, fckeditor, inbetween, tinyeditor, htmlarea, spaw editor) - (admin)
- Management of the emails contents sent to the signatories (admin)
- Forced Validation of the not validated signatories (admin)

If you would like to test it and/or follow the development of this module, please go to the following address: http://www.informatux.com/xpetitions

Thank you with all for your feedbacks.


This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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