XOOPS Israel, Hebrew Support Site

Date 2007/12/28 21:50:00 | Topic: YAXS

The XOOPS Project Council welcomes yet another member to the XOOPS family, XOOPS Israel.

XOOPS Israel, or http://www.xoops.co.il , is built by Adam Alayan for Israelian users. Adam's team has translated all the xoops application and some modules, they have a forum support and modules repository to enable users download XOOPS core and modules.

The XOOPS Israel is now under pending status for public review. If there is no valid objection received by the XOOPS Project Council (xoops-council AT googlegroups.com), the site will be announced as Certified Hebrew Support Site in two weeks.

You are welcome to give your comments according to: "XOOPS Certified Local Support Site Guidelines"

XOOPS Project Council
December 28th, 2007

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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