CBB 4.0 Alpha Release

Date 2007/12/13 1:50:32 | Topic: Modules

CBB 4.0 Alpha Release

The CBB Team is pleased to announce the release of CBB 4.0 alpha.
This release has been mainly focused on code refactoring and performance improvement.

The CBB module, whose dirname is "newbb", is the forum module for The XOOPS CMS.
It has been designed and developed upon the combination of features, flexibity, permission control and performance for high traffic volume.

Download: CBB from XoopsForge.com

What have been changed since 3.08:

1. Code refactored
2. Added forum-specific topic type
3. Implemented tag functionality
4. Formulated transfer toolkits to use "Frameworks/transfer"
5. Added CAPTCHA for anonymous posting
6. Improved stats, synchronization
7. Redesigned handlers for images, templates, css etc.
8. Improved administration mode
9. Implemented unlimited level of sub forums
10. Improved Reported posts Administration

Known issues:
1. Template redesign is not completed

Special thanks go to contributors:
Bandit-X, aph3x (or Defiance), wenmingpig, wizanda etc.

== Requirements ==
Both "Frameworks" and "xoopseditor" packages are required by this module.
Get from: http://xoopsforge.com/modules/wordpress/index.php/149

== Installing/Upgrading ==
The module can be upgraded from any version of newbb and CBB.
You should be able to upgrade your module by simply running module update from backend.

== Help And Support ==

The CBB Team
December 12th, 2007

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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