KPWS Provides free hosting for promising projects (site powered by XOOPS)

Date 2007/11/5 1:33:45 | Topic: YAXS

Starting from today, KPWS will provide free hosting to promising projects! If you own or are active in a project wich is non-commercial and free, and you want to get a host wich you can trust and who will host you for free, you are welcome with KPWS.
KPWS runs on Xoops, as its stability and community is something not many CMS's can offer! And also, this project has grown from the
question of XoopsGarage for a new host (also on this site!) (XoopsGarage chose another one ;)); so we created this project. At the moment, we are also looking for new projects we can host, and team members (no scripting expierience needed, the only requirement is that you know a bit about HTML, and are able to help us with providing technical support about how to build a website, you are welcome!).
If you want to help us, you can email us at
If you want to visit KPWS (the site itself is still under construction, but the hosting itself already started), you can find it on

Hope you all are as enthousiast as we are about this ;)
The KPWS team!

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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