, a full SEO hacked site

Date 2007/10/29 4:50:08 | Topic: YAXS

4 years ago, I had a willing to establish a site about Sybase ASE database, which would be a help and convenience to the Sybase DBAs and developers.
Today the willing comes to be true. Recently, I have spent about one month on buliding a new site--

Here are some characteristics:
--Designed by XOOPS 2.0.16;
--Modules: newbb, news, article, x_movie, smartsection, wfdownloads, planet;
--All the modules are hacked;
--SEO hacked. All URLs are rewrited to '.htm' likes;

Unlike the Oracle DBAs and developers, the Sybase DBAs and developers are not always luky enough to get the resources needed.
Hope the site would bring a change.
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