ANINCE: Spanish Association of Fire Research Professionals

Date 2007/10/24 12:42:35 | Topic: YAXS

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Fear what is fear.

This is it. Started working on it while in the summer XOOPS crisis, I bet on XOOPS EXM for the site and rejected Drupal, then tuned the site o death: some jQuery tricks, a lot of CSS and careful template overriding. Among the hidden gems in the site are TinyEditor (best wallet-opener ever seen in XOOPS) for all required forms, Backup module and some bugfixes on the theme and kernel (all them have been notified). Once it's finished, it will be very "foolproof".

Not finished yet, but functional.

The site uses XOOPS 2.0.16 EXM version, News, CBB, ExtCal, TinyD0 and Dugris' SecurityImage and Contact module. It will also feature RMSoft MyFolder.

Thanks all them.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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