XOOPS Addons

Date 2007/10/23 23:14:47 | Topic: News

XOOPSaddons.org opened today as another community-driven site to provide a central repository of XOOPS modules, themes, extensions, templates and language packs.

This long-awaited and much discussed resource is the work of many contributors and every effort has been made to give credit where credit is due. There are still plans for additional features for the site, including multilanguage support, supported and maintained module packs and a companion demo site.

Now open! http://www.xoopsaddons.org

Currently, the site houses over 400 modules, more than 400 themes and 60 language packs. This is not a complete compilation of all that is available to extend your XOOPS site, but the work continues and the community's assistance is greatly appreciate in completing and maintaining this repository. If you would like to help in any way, please contact the team using the Addon Team Forums - http://xoopsinfo.com/modules/newbb/index.php?cat=8

We would like to offer a thank you to the XOOPS Foundation for allowing this Community Project to use the URL of : http://www.xoopsaddons.org. The site also shares a common style with the Foundation web site, using a theme whose main design by Snow (XOOPS Design), Skalpa & Rowd.

The Addons Team

(The full version of this news release can be found on XOOPSInfo)

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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