Gumamela with Inca art pictures

Date 2007/10/15 15:40:00 | Topic: Themes

Gumamela is a free open source template, I did a little modification so can be used with xoops. This xoops template is based on the gumamela free css templates, hope you like it, remember the left and right blocks are both under the left column. The template aim to those xoopers which want to use the simplicity of a css template but with the funcionality of xoops. I´m not an expert in css, so if you see a bloated css stylesheet please make the necessary changes as you need. Remember to change in the shuffler script the path to the images or put your own. Take a look in the theme code around the line 50 to this: ------------------------------------
<div id="photodiv">
img id="photoimg" src="<{$xoops_url}>/themes/gumamela/images/005.jpg?v=0" />
----------------------------------- That is the last picture in the script, it have to be in this way in order to display as a first one. Let´s say you want 004.jpg to show first in your front page, so change in the script 004.jpg as the last so the slideshow work properly. You can download from here Also I want to make clear that I´m not taking credit for the layout, or the css, all credit goes to the original designer. I pick up this template from the Open source web design site: Regards Calidro Morello

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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