new arabic site

Date 2007/10/6 6:57:03 | Topic: YAXS

A new site created with XOOPS Rasme.The site has been online for a few month.

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fixed for Arabic language
1- fixed rss in the news and other module I add php class to convert utf-8.
Persian I'm still working on it.
2- module xhld0 now Support Arabic.

myalbum have more than 5000 images and icons.
Changed with module
1- send ecard
2- upload image with no change with name
before 100.jpg now any-name.jpg
I read this in
3- When you open image, the Title in Web browser same image name.
4- display video and music in the Web browser . add time for movies & music.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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