Stonehenge Festival

Date 2007/9/21 16:10:59 | Topic: YAXS

Just an average Xoops-site.

A site I build for the small dutch heavy metal festival 'Stonehenge'. The reason I switched to Xoops was the handy use of multiple languages with the xLanguage module. As more and more foreign visitors visited the site it became important to present at least a bi-langual site.
Performance is an issue though, but thats not the fault of Xoops but of my hostingprovider They're cheap, and give you A LOT but performance isn't a strong point of them. At the bottom of my site you can see the loadtime; in black so it doesn't draw to much attention.
I tried other cms-es but Xoops is the one I feel most comfortable with.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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