FrenchMania Xoops Theme with Flash header

Date 2007/1/28 17:13:49 | Topic: Themes

Free FrenchMania Xoops Theme is for Xoops 2.0.X series.

this is derivate of OSGamer Xoops Theme, published few weeks ago.

OSGamer Xoops Theme with Flash header which loads Article titles from AMS module. Theme contains .FLA file that shouldn't be uploaded in theme folder but you'll have to modify it in first frame, Layer 2:

_global.ind = -1;
_global.prefix = "";

in _global.prefix = you have to put root URL of your site

newsfeeder.php taking data from your database and give it to flash headline reader. Take a look on settings in PHP file:

// Settings (change values in this block to customize newsfeed
$settings['xoopspath'] = '../../mainfile.php'; // relative path to mainfile
// gathering Xoops setup info
include ($settings['xoopspath']);

$settings['news_number'] = 5; // number of news to rotate
$settings['news_delay'] = 4; // seconds to hold one headline
$settings['news_table'] = XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_ams_article "; // db table name of news
$settings['news_title_cell'] = "title"; // table cell with title
$settings['news_id_cell'] = "storyid"; // table cell with ID number used in Link
$settings['news_linkbody'] = XOOPS_URL."/modules/AMS/article.php?storyid="; // static part of link
$settings['open_blank'] = 1; // 1 - article in blank windows, 0 in same window

// filtering settings:
$settings['is_topic_filter'] = 1; // 1 - filter SELECT by topic , 0 - no filtering
$settings['topic_to_show'] = 2; // topic id
$settings['topic_cell'] = "topicid"; // name of table cell with topic data
// End of settings

Default settings are set for AMS (Article) module, but you can apply it on any module desired by changing configuration.

Original Image

OSGamer theme is theme for my new Open Source Gaming Portal:
check it and send some feedback on forum ;)

OSGamer theme is lightwidth, and CSS style is fully adapted.
AMS / News module styles are applied too.

Download page: home page

You'll have to register for free to download.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

The URL for this story is: