I\'ve created another dedicated search engine (powered by Google Search engine) for XOOPS related information and it is hosted by Google.
The homepage of XOOPS search engine is http://www.google.com/coop/cse?cx=002889471476038244159%3Apnlpimoc6i4
1. What you can do with XOOPS Search Engine?
* Place a search box and search results on your website. * Specify or prioritize the XOOPS sites you want to include in searches. * Customize the look and feel to match your website. * Invite XOOPS community to contribute to the search engine.
2. Why is Google launching this?
Google\'s mission is to connect people to information - no matter how specialized or specific - as quickly as possible. The Custom Search Engine allows you to combine Google\'s search algorithm with your own expertise to create a customized experience - thus making access to specific information across the web easier for your users.
3. Which are the websites included now?
I\'ve just included what I visit often to keep me updated about XOOPS. Please feel free to add your favourites to the index which will give the right information what XOOPS users would like to see in their search results.
http://dev.xoops.org http://devteam.xoops.org http://forum.bbpixel.com http://hello.oceannet.jp http://smartfactory.ca http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=41586 http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=41586 http://ww1.xoopspt.org http://www.alburak.net http://www.alburak.net/ax http://www.bbpixel.com http://www.esxoops.com http://www.frxoops.org http://www.herve-thouzard.com http://www.mywebresource.com http://www.myxoops.org http://www.smartfactory.ca http://www.turkxoops.com http://www.warpigw2.com http://www.xoops-tips.com http://www.xoops.dk http://www.xoops.eti.br http://www.xoops.lt http://www.xoops.nl https://xoops.org http://www.xoops.pl http://www.xoops.pr.gov.br http://www.xoops.ru http://www.xoops2.ru http://www.xoopsfactory.com http://www.xoopsgreece.gr http://www.xoopsit.net http://www.xoopsitalia.org http://www.xoopslance.com http://www.xoopsmalaysia.org http://www.xoopspro.com http://www.xoopsum.com http://www.zoullou.net http://xoops-tips.com http://xoops.chaosteam.hu https://xoops.org.cn http://xoops.parakazanin.com http://xoops.peak.ne.jp http://xoops.zpc.cz http://xoopsdocs.net/modules/docs http://xoopserver.com http://xoopsfactory.com/blog http://xoopsfin.org http://xoopsthemekris.free.fr
4. How does anyone access the XOOPS Search Engine?
There are several ways to access our Xoops Custom Search Engine:
* Use the Google-hosted Xoops Search Engine homepage:
* You can place the XOOPS Search Engine search box on your own website, where anyone who visits your site can use it. Paste this code in the page where you\'d like your search box to appear. The search results will be shown on a Google-hosted page.
<form id='searchbox_002889471476038244159:pnlpimoc6i4' action='http://www.google.com/cse'> <input type='hidden' name='cx' value='002889471476038244159:pnlpimoc6i4' /> <input name='q' type='text' size='40' /> <input type='submit' name='sa' value='Search' /> <input type='hidden' name='cof' value='FORID:1' /> form> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.google.com/coop/cse/brand?form=searchbox_002889471476038244159%3Apnlpimoc6i4'>script>
* You can add a XOOPS Search Box Gadget to your Google personalized homepage that contains a search box for your search engine. Paste this code in the page where you would like the button to appear:
<a href='http://fusion.google.com/add?moduleurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fcoop/api/002889471476038244159/cse/pnlpimoc6i4/gadget'><img src='http://buttons.googlesyndication.com/fusion/add.gif' width='104' height='17' border='0' alt='Add to Google' />a>
* You can add a XOOPS Search Box to your MySpace page that contains a search box for your search engine. Paste this code in the page where you would like the button to appear (you can also add this search box on ANY site that don\'t allow JavaScript):
<form id='searchbox_002889471476038244159:pnlpimoc6i4' action='http://www.google.com/cse'> <input type='hidden' name='cx' value='002889471476038244159:pnlpimoc6i4' /> <table> <tr> <td><input name='q' type='text' size='40' />td> <td><input type='submit' name='sa' value='Search' />td> tr> <tr> <td colspan='2'><span style='font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:83%'>Google Custom Searchspan>td> tr> table> <input type='hidden' name='cof' value='FORID:1' /> form>
* You can place the search box and search results code for YOUR OWN website and integrate it with the site.
STEP 1 - Paste this code in the page where you\'d like your search box to appear (change http://YOU.HAVE.TO.CHANGE.THIS with your search results page):
<form id='searchbox_002889471476038244159:pnlpimoc6i4' action='http://YOU.HAVE.TO.CHANGE.THIS'> <input type='hidden' name='cx' value='002889471476038244159:pnlpimoc6i4' /> <input name='q' type='text' size='40' /> <input type='submit' name='sa' value='Search' /> <input type='hidden' name='cof' value='FORID:10' /> form> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.google.com/coop/cse/brand?form=searchbox_002889471476038244159%3Apnlpimoc6i4'>script>
STEP 2 - Place this code in the page http://YOU.HAVE.TO.CHANGE.THIS where your search results will appear.
<div id='results_002889471476038244159:pnlpimoc6i4'>div> <script type='text/javascript'> var googleSearchIframeName = 'results_002889471476038244159:pnlpimoc6i4'; var googleSearchFormName = 'searchbox_002889471476038244159:pnlpimoc6i4'; var googleSearchFrameWidth = 600; var googleSearchFrameborder = 0; var googleSearchDomain = 'www.google.com'; var googleSearchPath = '/cse'; script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.google.com/afsonline/show_afs_search.js'>script>
Please free to add more XOOPS websites in our XOOPS Search Engine. I hope it\'s useful for someone
Cheers, Alex Mielus