Hidden Content Hack

Date 2006/12/6 11:23:34 | Topic: Hacks

Everybody knows 'Hidden Content' in Vbulletin forums. Now we can use it in XOOPS. It is very very easy.

File: class/module.textsanitizer.php
We add only a few lines in our module.textsanitizer.php then we can use Hidden Content in news, newbb, sections etc. modules.

Now you must find these lines in module.textsanitizer.php
function &xoopsCodeDecode(&$text$allowimage 1)
$patterns = array();
$replacements = array();

and change these lines like this
function &xoopsCodeDecode(&$text$allowimage 1)
$patterns = array();
$replacements = array();
$patterns[] = "/XhiddencontentX(.*)X/hiddencontentX/sU";
$_SESSION['xoopsUserId']) {
$replacements[] = '\1';
        else {
$replacements[] = '.XOOPS_URL.'/register.php">.XOOPS_URL.'/hidden.gif" alt="Hidden Content" />';

and alsa I use an image file to explain the situation in my xoops root folder, it is hidden.gif..and looks like this
Original Image

and now you can use it like this
XhiddencontentX This is hidden contentYou can see this when you register and login X/hiddencontentX

I prefer to use it with XhiddencontentX but you can change it whatever you like

You must wrote the this at the hidden contents beginning

and at the end

You can use it with images, articles, news. Its biggest advantage is you haven't to hide all article, with this you can hide only a part in it

Bora Canbula ( boracanbula@gmail.com - http://www.xoopshocasi.com )

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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