3 New Themes for download - XOOPS 2.0.13 or later

Date 2006/9/12 9:51:02 | Topic: Themes

Themes I've got available for download
I've never submitted Themes before but Themes I've got available for download on my site are:
Original ImageBlue Glow

Original ImageRed Glow

Original ImageCalligraphy

All have been tested only in IE and Firefox browsers and work fine. I've tested them on XOOPS, 2.0.14 and 2.0.15 and they work well on them.

You can read more about them and can see the themes in use on either of my sites:
My main site, http://www.richardsdomain.com , or on my test site, http://myxoopsthemes.richardsdomain.com which is closed when I'm working on Themes.
To download any Themes you'll need to register, same as on here. I might change this later though. Feel free to comment on the themes in the Forum 'My Own Xoops Themes' in their appropriate topics.

Hope you enjoy the site and Themes and I hope they work well :) I'll be making more themes soon. My other 5 Themes in my Theme Selector on the main site, will be available soon as well once I tune them up a bit.

Feedback on here or on my site is appreciated :) Thanks :)

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