MediaWiki is the collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and other projects. It’s designed to handle a large number of users and pages without imposing too rigid a structure or workflow.
System requirements: * XOOPS 2.0, 2.2, 2.3 * PHP 4.3.2+ * MySQL 4.014+
Download: MediaWiki 1.67 For Xoops
For older PHP/MySQL, plz check MediaWiki 1.58 For Xoops User guide: 1 Check the file xoops-module-mediawiki-167/readme.html for details 2 Make sure to always use the latest Frameworks by checking the emtpy file xoops-module-mediawiki-167/art/version *.** (applicable to all modules using the Frameworks/art/) 3 If you have error of “Specified key was too long” with installation, modify modules/mediawiki/maintenance/tables.sql (Not fully validated yet):
CREATE TABLE /*$wgDBprefix*/job ( job_id int(9) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, -- Command name, currently only refreshLinks is defined job_cmd varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', -- Namespace and title to act on -- Should be 0 and '' if the command does not operate on a title job_namespace int NOT NULL default '0', job_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', -- Any other parameters to the command -- Presently unused, format undefined job_params blob NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY job_id (job_id), KEY (job_cmd, job_namespace, job_title) ) TYPE=InnoDB, DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 collate utf8_general_ci;