Profiles 0.90 Beta Released

Date 2006/5/14 3:59:29 | Topic: Modules

The profiles module allows admins and/or users to profile people, places and things.

This module is perfect for music sites to allow users to add thier band or their own musicians profile, clan sites to allow players to detail their own profile so other team members can see who is on their team, churches to allow the pillar members to be highlighted, and many other uses you can imagine. uses it to allow their users to profile their 4x4 rigs. Some people have more than one rig, so they can maintain more than one profile.

We are looking for translators to provide other language files, before we release Profiles 1.0!

Let us know before you do so we can make sure we dont get more than one person doing the same language.

Testers needed! If you could test this module and put it through its paces, that would be great. I havent had a chance to test it yet on XOOPS 2.2+ so if you are able to test it, please let me know your results.

Once we get the major languages and all the bugs out, we can release 1.0 final.

After that, feature requests are welcome for future versions.

Click the icon to download!

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