MWRT-002 XOOPS Theme

Date 2006/3/1 5:56:57 | Topic: Themes

Target Audience: Seasoned XOOPS Users
Required Version: XOOPS 2.0.x

Description: The MWRT-002 Website theme is a clean, fast design that only uses 2 graphics to enhance its look. The design employs a simple two column w/ text header layout with many accessiblility and search engine optimization techniques used throughout. Regardless of your application, you will appreciate the flexibility of this design. In addition to the visible features of this design, examples of additional features are given in the code.

The MWRT-002 design is fully W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.0 Compliant.

NOTICE: This theme is targeted to Experienced XOOPS Users! If you are not comfortable editing themes and themes Do Not Download And Install This Theme!.

This theme is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU GPL (version 2). You are free to use this theme in any fashion you wish, however, as a courtesy to me, I respectfully request that you retain the link to MyWebResource in the footer of this theme.

This theme comes with absolutely no warrantee or guarantee of support. By downloading this theme, you agree that you are accepting this theme in an as-is state.

Please see the README.txt file accompanying this theme for complete details of the licensing of this design and any other terms and conditions.

To download this them and/or see it in action, visit

Best Regards,


This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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