DXoops.Info - Theming Options

Date 2006/2/17 14:16:09 | Topic: Themes

After spending a lot of time with xoops, I often noticed over the years, there have been some pretty cool themes, but often the colour or graphics have not been quiet what I wanted, I maybe wrong, but I suspect others may feel the same too.


Therefore I've create a new theming project, one which will take some of the great themes, and change them. I've been working themes for many of my own sites and often changed the colours, and or graphics.

With the Launch of DXoops we welcome two themes both based upon Kimokea, with the colours changed to blue and a new alternate header image.


What does DXoops mean?

DXoops was original for an idea to have one or more sites which could Demo many modules and themes, to allow members to test before they download, however due to retraints within my live, the project was placed on hold, now I have more time I'm able to get it going again.

Although we're starting with themes, we will also offer cloned modules, along with a demo site for people wanting to test modules at a later date.

I hope this site will be of some help to the community.

Keep an eye out for a growing number or altered themes, and please feel free to contact us if you have a suggestion for a theme and colour scheme.


Original Image

Original Image

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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