We did it again: MapJunction.org running on XOOPS

Date 2005/12/21 13:48:43 | Topic: YAXS

Original ImageIt started when we made a layout for our own website at http://www.softechmatrix.nl that was based on one of the great Imago Themes. We completely redesigned their template with a great result that we used for a year on our website (we have just switched to a NEW layout). Next we where contacted by people from http://www.MapJunction.org: they wanted to use our layout. Finally we ended up building their completely website (although they manage the content ) and completely customize the design to give their site a look of their own. We also designed their logo.

We where already planning to release this particular layout to the Xoops community and I'm happy to say that the agreements made with MapJunction include provisions to release the layout to the community

Check out http://www.mapjunction.org

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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