GamerX Lite and Funsite Theme Released

Date 2005/12/7 8:14:32 | Topic: Themes

Xdigitalnet have released 2 new themes for download or to buy it..

The first one is Gamerx Lite theme wich is a Paid theme, Screenshot
Original Image

Gamerx Come with Left,Right,Center block and Content block.

it does not include Left center or right center blocks.

To see a bigger screenshot or to BUy itCLICK HERE

  • The second one is call FUNSITE wich is FREE


    Original Image

    For Bigger screenshot or to DOWNLOAD CLICK HERE

    Please note that if you like our themes and plan to use it in a production or commercial site, please think about a small donation, so we can release more Free themes in the future

    Thank you.

  • This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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