XOOPS For Dummies and MyPage Mirrored

Date 2005/12/1 13:00:00 | Topic: News

As of recent, the XOOPS for Dummies guide was pulled offline. In the interest of maintaining this valuable resource to the community, the XOOPS for dummies documentation has been temporarily mirrored at MyWebResource.

Link: http://mywebresource.com/xfd/

The permanent home of the XOOPS for Dummies guide has yet to be determined, but I will make sure that the guide remains available until the permanent home is decided.

Also, the MyPage module download was removed at the same time as the XOOPS for Dummies documentation. Personally, I have found this to be one of the most versatile and handy little modules around. In the interest of keeping this module available, I've recreated the module with a couple small changes. You can now download the PageWrap module (renamed from MyPage) at MyWebResource as well.

Link: PageWrap Module Download Page

Please Note: The XOOPS for Dummies guide and the MyPage module are the original work of JackJ and I take NO credit for his work. He has made a tremendous contribution to this community with these two resources and should be thanked appropriately. I have found these resources to be indispensable and am eternally grateful for them. Thank you JackJ!

The sole reason I've chosen to mirror JackJ's work is to ensure that this resource will always be available to those who need it.

Best Regards,


This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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