opens its doors!

Date 2005/10/12 9:10:45 | Topic: Developer News

This is just a short announcement to hail the arrival of:

The site is also known as and caters for all things PHP.
If anyone wants help with a website, project, documentation, graphics etc. then sign up today as a webmaster (provider).

Looking to earn some extra cash as a php programmer then sign up today and start looking straight away.

Now for the good bit - it's absolutely free to sign up and they take absolutely ZERO Commissions. There is no hidden catch - just a completely free site.

That's right. Nothing, not a penny!

So head over to today and post your project (as a webmaster) or sign up for freelance work as a PHP Programmer.

You have absolutely nothing to lose.

The site has just opened today (11th October).

Good Luck!

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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