2 new xoops sites

Date 2005/8/29 6:51:12 | Topic: YAXS

Hi everybody,

Yes, two more sites in the Xoops universum. After some time trying out Xoops and seeing all the different plugins I was quickly a "believer" so I started working. The first site is about a group of motorcycle enthousiasts working/volunteering for a good cause, the second one about document management. (private and work)
One site went live already in june, but I was so busy on the second one and went on holiday in between, so why not present them both at once.
Ok, they are dutch sites, so no english (except for some not yet translated parts hehe) but nevertheless. They might look very sparse, but thats because there is still lots of work on them and also because they are mostly member only sites, there's more inside heh.
Check out http://www.motorbegeleiding.nl and

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