Tropical Mail - Webmail for Xoops

Date 2005/8/4 15:03:14 | Topic: Modules

Tropical mail is a port of Iloha Mail for Xoops. This is a webmail client, similar to squirel mail but more feature packed. Using this module you can allow your users to view their email accounts.
Some of it's features are:
- Imap (including folders) and pop3 support
- Multiple languages available for each user. This allows each of your registered user to view his/her email in their own native language.
- Bookmark manager
- Complete contact manager
- Calender
- Preferences set for each individual user.
- Spam protection
You can see it in action on my site by registering.
It can also be downloaded from my site at:

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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