UM ModuleCreator v0.2Alfa

Date 2005/7/31 11:01:30 | Topic: Modules

UM ModuleCreator is a new project with the goal to generate by a small form a basic module with interface for every field of database table. It fully use existing Xoops API and will be supported on Xoops 2.2 and higher.

This module will save a lot of time for developper and for someone, lot of money!!

In this release (v0.2Alfa), you will find an Advanced Modules Admin. It give possibility to download a module (It zip the module and send it to you), upload a module to your site (without ftp!) or delete a module from the module directory.The generator system at this step can generate a full basic module without class or interface. On the next step, we will can generate one class with the interface to admin a table of the Database.

WARNING!!! This module must never be installed on production site for security reason. This module is for developper only.

I need some beta-tester to test it and give me feedback (bug, comment, suggestion)!
I have not test it on a windows system (for folder and files creation) so if someone can give me a feedback on this platform that will be great!

If someone is interesting to join the Dev Team, I search person who have good skills with xoops and his API.
The project administration and the download files are on and a CVS will open soon for this project.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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