describe your experiences with xoops and what you love most ...

Date 2005/7/30 11:28:08 | Topic: YAXS

this is a personal ask and request to all xoopswebmaster and xoopsfriends i learned the last years using xoops. This is what i want to archieve:

XOOPS factory webmasters ACT with XOOPS

the aim and goal is to have a database where non xoopser may look at some examples of xoops usage if xoops will fit the needs of their project and where xoopser may find interesting pages to get inspired. Xoops Sites can be introduced and news of xoops sites are published reported by the webmasters of xoops sites.

Xoops-Webmaster are invited to report:
- summary of content of their pages
- their experiences with xoops
- their thoughts about using xoops
- their site-news
- how they advertise their pages
- how they made their xoops unique
- how they get their modules customized
- at least .. what they did to get it work

as an additional there will be some news of xoops, projects and folks on xoopsfactory. If there were any questions to submit content, please read

Please help me to show all possible kinds of xoops, personal pages, commercial and community usage and xoops news.

Please visit : XOOPS factory webmasters ACT with XOOPS


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