XOOPS 2.2 RC2 Released

Date 2005/7/21 21:05:50 | Topic: XOOPS

The XOOPS Core Development Team brings you the hoped-to-be last Release Candidate of XOOPS 2.2 before a stable release can be made.

This release fixes several bugs in XOOPS 2.2 RC as well as the much-disputed change of username and real name has been changed.

XOOPS 2.2 RC2 has a login name for login purposes ONLY a username for display in forums, news posts etc. and the real name attribute that is used in a couple of modules but apart from that, only displayed in the user's profile.
Upgrade Instructions
Select the package you want to download and upload its contents to the webserver. If upgrading to an existing site, disregard the /install folder

When the files are uploaded, access http://www.example.com/xoopsupdate.php replacing http://www.example.com with the URL to your XOOPS site

Reload the page until a form appears with a submit button, then press the button and your system is updated.

After successful update, delete the xoopsupdate.php file from your XOOPS root. It should not harm anything to keep it, but it is a good idea to delete it.

Download XOOPS 2.2 RC2 Full (no modules):
(for testing only)

Xoops 2.2 RC2 (Not stable) (.zip)
Xoops 2.2 RC2 (Not stable) (.tar.gz)

RC2 Upgrade Patches:
(for testing only)

Xoops 2.0.13 to 2.2 RC2 (Not stable) (.zip)
Xoops 2.0.13 to 2.2 RC2 (Not stable) (.tar.gz)
Xoops 2.2 RC to 2.2 RC2 (Not stable) (.zip)
Xoops 2.2 RC to 2.2 RC2 (Not stable) (.tar.gz)

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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