A whole family on xoops

Date 2005/7/20 11:30:35 | Topic: YAXS

I just thought I'd post an article here.
I'm a new user of xoops, I've been "playing" with it for the last few months and I'm starting to get the hang of things.

Original ImageThought I'd share our family of xoops sites. I created a site for each member of our familly -
My wife http://www.julietsmith.com
My self http://www.djriel.com
My daughter http://www.natashafree.com and
My son http://www.orionpeace.com

Check them out and tell me what you think :)

Also did these sites http://www.minirockstars.com and http://www.tmbk2.com for some friends.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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