A Couple of Sites

Date 2005/5/13 9:46:12 | Topic: YAXS

Use Xoops for a Blog? A little overkill, but what the heck? I moved my site, DaveDorm, to Xoops a few weeks ago, from Wordpress. I was unable to import some three years of archives, but I knew the risks going in. It's a personal blog, but Xoops was, as usual, up to the task. DaveDorm is located at http://www.davedorm.com

My other site is for a SciFi club called Genesis Fleet. We are using Xoops with several key modules, including piCal, the CafePress module, and others. We have a few dozen members and growing every day. Genesis Fleet is located at http://www.genesisfleet.com

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