Christian Information Portal switched from PHP-Nuke to XOOPS

Date 2005/4/28 12:20:35 | Topic: YAXS

Dear community of the XOOPS world! I am so glad to announce that Christian Information Portal ( that is a Russian project of Grace Gellowship Ukraine finally found the best resolution for secure portal system.
We have been using PHP-Nuke portal system for about 4 years, and after a lots of security and incompatibility sufferings we have found in this big world the best (as do gladly agree with you) portal and most secure system - XOOPS. Great thanks to the development stuff of XOOPS.ORG for this wonderful PHP driven WEB Portal System.

So, we do invite you to visit our resource at and just notice that one more XOOPS' based Portal appeared in Russian world!

Best regards and blessings,
Victor Zhuromsky,
Portal Administrator.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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